Journal of Jesus Christ

Христос Воскрес

  • A Situation With My House

    It’s been about three weeks since Maestra and I agreed on the amount I will pay to stay here for one year and to build a house for me with a kitchen, shower and toilet. The land for the house has been cleared but the construction hasn’t even begun yet. I have been feeling uneasy…

  • I Love to Get my Quality Sleep

    Tonight is the second night in a row when I wake up because I hear someone talking, it’s most likely Mr. S. talking on the phone, his tambo is near mine and I often see him talking on his phone during the day, I’ll ask him about it tomorrow. I get angry when my sleep…

  • Rekindled Faith of True Friendships and Community

    I have been going to the river nearby to swim after the ceremony to cool down because my body gets hot under the effects of the medicine. Ayahuasca awakens very powerfully in me at this time, even with a small dose, and I am moving and processing a lot of energy and emotions. Diving into…

  • Piñon Colorado and Mapacho as Additional Shamanic Allies

    Maestra came by my tambo today and told me they will put “hamaca” in my tambo, she had to use other words and hand gestures, until I understood that “hamaca” means hammock. She told me I will start drinking Piñon Colorado tomorrow to help with imagination, visions and dreams. With this addition my dieta will be…

  • The Healing Power of Love is Working it’s Magic on Me

    Went for a walk today in the jungle with Roger ( in Spanish this name is pronounced as “Roher” ) He showed me an ancient and giant Ayahuasca vine and a giant renaco tree. We also found some sweet and sour passion fruits. I was working on being conscious of my body as we walked…

  • Jesus Christ is the Most Superior

    This morning, I was laughing about how people assume they are equals to me. On my first day here at AyaMadre, around three weeks ago, when I walked into a kitchen, I was greeted with 4 other pasajeros, most, if not all of which, were smoking mapacho tobacco. The next day when we had Ayahuasca…